I know I've been bad about blogging, and the 100% truth is that I kinda feel like I'm drowning. Which is pathetic because hello, I only have one kiddo to deal with and I'm at home with her. Like an idiot, I thought once we moved we'd be more settled, and I could get into a routine etc. While this is still my goal, we are absolutely not settled at all. Normally by this time I would have everything unpacked, house fully decorated, new routines, etc, but there have been three major factors in why this hasn't happened here.
First, I never had a 4.5 month old baby to contend with, who has no real set nap schedule, and a questionable nighttime one as well. I've tried to get her on a good daytime schedule so she'd sleep better at night, but girlfriend has a mind of her own about when she should sleep and when she should not. I don't think I'm ready to do a 100% parent led schedule, but I also feel like I'm doing a crap job at picking up what her natural rhythms are. Add in trying to unpack and she's napping when she's not getting attention, which means she's not getting in full naps and is therefore she is Miss Crankypants. Mama is tired, and frustrated.
Second, the hubs is working a LOT. He's floating to two other towns and while he was supposed to just be there occasionally, one of the pharmacists in a town 1.5 hours away quit right around the time Blake went full time so he is there multiple times a week and every other weekend. And, they really were probably already shorthanded, so he's putting in anywhere from an extra 2-4 hours per shift he's scheduled. They do cover a hotel room for him but this means he's gone a lot, and we don't get that much time to see each other or work on the house. Which is the 3rd reason I feel underwater.
Our new house is big. As in 3,300 sq feet big. And the reason we were able to buy such a large house right out of pharmacy school is that the previous owners had, ummm, adventurous decorating style. Think jungle themed wallpaper, monkeys painted on the wall, and curtains that match the wallpaper. We've had all the wallpaper removed, but we're doing the painting ourselves, and its a slow process, what with the baby that needs lots of attention, and a hubby that's having to put in lots of extra hours (and no, he doesn't get paid any overtime).
But, what you really want to see is the house, right? It has great bones, is well built, and as I mentioned, is very large, so there's lots of room to grow. I know it will be fabulous when we're done with everything, but it all takes time (and money, boo).
The front of the house (duh). The garage is on the side.
The entry way. This picture was taken from the sunken formal living room. On the left we've got the formal dining room, and on the right is the office.
Formal living room. Complete with painted monkeys and white carpet. Oh and that's the central vac that I didn't feel the need to put away for the photos.
Formal dining room.

Office. If you look closely, you'll see that the curtain rods are held up by cheetah head brackets.
Half bath. Monkeys on the wall.
The kitchen. They updated this about four years ago and there is (thankfully) not a monkey in sight. I'm not crazy about the dark red, or the white appliances, but this room will probably stay the same for a good long while because I doubt I'll feel like painting ever again by the time we're done with all the wallpapered areas. I do love the island, granite countertops, walk in pantry, and double oven.
Family room. Again, not crazy about the color, but it will probably stay for awhile.
Emersyn's room- which I recently finished painting yellow with white trim. The DIY websites make it look so much easier than it really is. Again, with the white carpet.
Guest bedroom- actually a pretty blue that we're leaving. And, more white carpet.
The full bath between the guest room and E's room. Note the Elephant border complimenting the animal skin wallpaper.
Master bedroom- this is where a lot of the square footage is in the house. The master bath and this bedroom are very large. And full of wallpaper.
Master bath. To the right is a toilet room, left is a linen closet, Blake's sink area and walk in closet.
The bathroom from my door in. Yup, two doors into the bathroom. This side also has a linen closet, sink and walk in closet.
The back of the house.
Love how the back has so much covered space for entertaining.
So that's the house. Like I said, the wallpaper has all been removed, as well as all of the curtains, but we have a lot of scraping, mudding, sanding, etc left to do. Then, lots of painting. Now you know why I'm having a hard time getting around to blogging when I we have so much to do. At some point I should have some great afters to show you though!