How big is the baby this week: Caleb is the size of a pumpkin!
Due Date: May 8, 2014, but we have an end in site of April 30!Weight Gain: Up 1 lb this week. Running total: 22 lbs.
Symptoms: I've had a few episodes of regular, painful Braxton Hicks that have made me question if it's baby time, but nope, just baby C making his presence known. I haven't had any more vasovagal episodes, but I do still have regular heartburn and soreness. Also, at my 37 week apt I was 3 cm dilated, and 50% effaced. Still the same yesterday.
Cravings: Sushi. Duh.
Aversions: Nothing really stands out.
Sleep: Waking up more frequently at night to use the bathroom- I think he's just very low.
I am loving: That we have an end in site, though I'm nervous (again) for an induction.
I miss: The ease of not having a belly in the way of things.
I am looking forward to: Next Wednesday!
I'm spazzing about: Life with a toddler and a newborn. I know we'll figure it out, but I'm definitely nervous.
Best thing about this week: Getting a lot done around the house and in the yard.
Milestones: Less than one week until Caleb's arrival!
Movement: Lots and lots of movement!
It's a...: Boy!