Well, this past weekend was exciting/ not exciting. On Friday my hubby treated me to a prenatal massage (at Spa Luxe if you live in the Tulsa area) and it was AMAZING. I told the massage therapist to go ahead and hit all those pressure points they say can send you into labor and on Saturday, I thought it had worked! I woke up around 7:30 with a pretty strong contraction, and they were about 11-15 minutes apart. Blake was turkey hunting about an hour away and I knew it might not be the real deal, so I spent the next few hours timing them and getting things ready around the house, because they were getting closer together. Blake was checking in on me regularly, but I refused to make him come home if it was just going to be false labor, but when he called around 11:15 to say he was headed home I was relieved because at this point my contractions were about 5-6 minutes apart, regular, and lasting around a minute. However, they weren't super painful. We got to the hospital around 1:30 and I was still contracting regularly, but when they hooked me all up and checked me, I was still 1cm dilated and 50% effaced- exactly what I had been at my dr appointment that week. Two and a half hours later, no change.
The on call doctor said it was labor, but just the first phase, and that it seemed to be stalling. We headed home, and I had regular contractions for the rest of the evening, but around bedtime I took some tylenol and was able to sleep, only waking for a few of them. Since then, it's back to the fun braxton hicks- no regularity. We've been doing lots of walking to try to progress further, as I'd much rather go into labor naturally than be induced, but I am glad we have an end date in sight. We'll see on Wednesday if there's any change!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Maternity Photos
We had our maternity photos taken at 34 weeks, and I've just now gotten to edit them! As a photographer, I plan on doing most of our photos myself but knew I wouldn't be able to do that with maternity photos, so I arranged to swap services with a photographer friend of mine, he took the photos, with me doing the editing, and I'll doing a session for them after Emersyn is here.
Check the rest out on my facebook!
Check the rest out on my facebook!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Emersyn's Nursery
The nursery is just missing one little thing- Miss Emersyn Grace. We found out today at our appointment that she is measuring at 7 lbs 14 oz, with a heart rate of 148. And, we have an end date in sight. We have an induction scheduled for May 4 at 5:00am, so the countdown is on!!!
But until she arrives, here are the photos of her finished nursery:)
But until she arrives, here are the photos of her finished nursery:)
Up close look at the top shelf of her bookcase.
Curtains and "Welcome Baby" banner from one of our showers, and a card ring one of our friends made for us with all of her shower cards.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
38 Weeks!
How big is the baby this week: Emersyn is the size of a pumpkin!
Due Date: May 8, 2012, but I'm hoping she comes a little early:)Weight Gain: Up 1 lbs this week. Running total: 26 lbs.
Symptoms: The belly is BIG- I get a lot of "wow"s. Lovely Braxton Hicks contractions, weird nerve pains in my hips, strange dreams, swollen feet, heartburn and backaches. Yup, I'm definitely pregnant.
Cravings: Milk and sweets.
Aversions: Towards the end of the day I'm not usually as hungry, which manifests itself into nothing sounds good.
Sleep: Waking up to use the bathroom, or to adjust myself into more of a sitting position if I start to slide. Other than that, pretty ok for sleeping on the couch
I am loving: That our house is so clean (Gus is staying with my in laws while we try to sell our house).
I miss: Sleeping in my bed. Not hurting. Red wine.
I am looking forward to: Dr appointment tomorrow to see if we have any progress.
I'm spazzing about: Just really wanting to know when she'll arrive!
Best thing about this week: Friday was my last day at work, I am now on leave until my vacation and personal days run out (in June) then I'm officially a stay at home mama!
Milestones: Lost my mucus plug on Sunday.
Movement: She still moves quite a bit, seems to really love that sore spot on the top of my belly (ouch).
It's a...: Girl!!! Emersyn Grace:)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
State of the Uterus
Went to the dr today, everything still looks good. She said Emersyn is looking to weigh around 7lbs 3 oz right now, and I was 1 cm dilated. Of course, that could mean we're going to have her tomorrow, or not for 3 more weeks haha. The hubs is planning on going turkey hunting this weekend, so he's hoping she stays in a little while longer. Here's a shot of our sweet girl:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
37 Weeks!
How big is the baby this week: Emersyn is the size of a watermelon!
Due Date: May 8, 2012, but I'm hoping she comes a little early:)
Weight Gain: Up 3 lbs this week. Maybe E got a growth spurt? Running total: 25 lbs.
Symptoms: The belly is out of control! I'm still having contractions, and my feet and hands sometimes swell when I'm on my feet a lot.
Cravings: Milk.
Aversions: The contractions bring some nausea with them, so in the midst of the worse ones, nothing sounds good.
Sleep: It's hit and miss. Sometimes E is up until 1am, making it impossible to sleep, other times she lets me hit the hay pretty early and I sleep with just a few wakeups.
I am loving: Getting closer to meeting Emersyn! And, the bookshelf we had to reorder is in, assembled, and looks great!
I miss: Sleeping in my bed. Not hurting.
I am looking forward to: Meeting with our birth photographer tonight and putting our house on the market tomorrow!
I'm spazzing about: Finishing up photography projects before she arrives.
Best thing about this week: Having Blake's parents down this weekend to work on the house- we're so close to getting everything done!
Milestones: FULL TERM today!! And, the nursery is DONE- pictures to come!
Movement: Mostly consists of big rolls and limbs sticking out. When the sore spot on the top right of my belly flares up and she decides to stick her elbow right there it is not pleasant at all.
It's a...: Girl!!! Emersyn Grace:)
Friday, April 13, 2012
We were blessed to have three baby showers for Emersyn, and we were so thankful and excited to have so many people wanting to celebrate E's arrival. The gifts and celebrations were amazing, but it was also overwhelmingly wonderful to feel so supported and loved by our close friends and family.
First up (back in Feb) was our Tulsa shower, thrown my my small group girls. We had our church friends, pharmacy school friends, and other Tulsa people, and it was a blast! It had a duck theme, in honor of Hub's duck hunting obsession, plus it's just a cute theme haha.

Next up was my shower at work (early March). I have more pictures of this one at home, but this is all I have on my computer here. It was hosted by my work bff Lauren!

And last, but certainly not least, was my family shower (early March), hosted by my lovely sister-in-law, Jeni, at my MIL's home. The shower was based around our nursery theme. I loved all the birdie accents, and lots of the crafts Jeni did are now displayed in the nursery!
First up (back in Feb) was our Tulsa shower, thrown my my small group girls. We had our church friends, pharmacy school friends, and other Tulsa people, and it was a blast! It had a duck theme, in honor of Hub's duck hunting obsession, plus it's just a cute theme haha.
The table full of yummy food.

Next up was my shower at work (early March). I have more pictures of this one at home, but this is all I have on my computer here. It was hosted by my work bff Lauren!

And last, but certainly not least, was my family shower (early March), hosted by my lovely sister-in-law, Jeni, at my MIL's home. The shower was based around our nursery theme. I loved all the birdie accents, and lots of the crafts Jeni did are now displayed in the nursery!
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