Monday, August 15, 2011

One week later

I was at a conference last week and finishing up some photo sessions, which left no time for blogging.  Back in the swing of things this week.  We're heading out of town this weekend for some family time out of state, and if my cycle's back on track I should be ovulating this week.  Yay!  When I started this blog words like ovulating scared me, but now, I don't care haha.  So, this week will be busy as we'll be getting busy hehe.  TMI?

Husband and I have been talking a lot lately about next year- hopefully we'll be having a baby, he'll be graduating, starting a job, etc.  Eventually we want to build our dream house, so we've been looking at a lot of house plans (love Pinterest for saving them all).  We found our dream plan, but it's ginormous, and would cost a fortune to build.  So, we'll keep looking, but just in case you were curious... here tis:

Be still my heart:)

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